2 Key Reasons your Church should be on YouTube

Throughout the course of history, there have been many different ways Churches seek to reach people. For Churches in the 21st century, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and now Generation Z, are primary groups that Churches are reaching.

Reaching multiple generations today can be particularly challenging for any company, yet alone Churches. However there has been a huge shift in communication over the course of the past 10-15 years that has helped. What is that? It’s the increasingly use of digital and online tools. More and more people are using smartphones, social media and online devices to engage with and socialize with more people. This isn’t just one generation or another. This is multiple generations that includes Baby Boomers to Generation Z. Everyone are using these tools in one way or another.

One tool that has been on the forefront of communication in recent years has been video content. People love to watch videos and social networks love to push them out. Because of this, it provides a huge opportunity for Churches as well as they can now share more videos to people. That is why YouTube has become so important for Churches.

Before you discount the power and effectiveness of YouTube, see these 2 KEY reasons your Church should be on YouTube.

For starters, Generation Z is ALL OVER YouTube. That’s right, so many Gen Zers are watching YouTube and not TV anymore. Whether it is a gamer they love to watch stream, a YouTube personality (aka YouTuber) who does random funny things or helps with fashion or design tips or others who does cool challenges that gets them engaged, there are so many different channels this generation watches these days.

According to Adweek, 95% turning to it. The next most popular platforms are Instagram (69%), Facebook (67%), Snapchat (67%), and Twitter (52%). When also asked, “Which one could you not live without?” teenagers responded with 50%  YouTube, 15% Snapchat, 9% Instagram, 9% Facebook, and 6% Twitter. These are high percentages favoriting YouTube.

YouTubeEvery student and children’s minister needs to be aware of this and think through content they can be creating, sharing and engaging with Generation Z on YouTube with.

The second biggest reason is because YouTube the second biggest search engine. What does that mean? It means anytime someone searches for “hope” or “love” or any other word on the world wide web, videos will pop up that will help answer the questions people are searching for. That means if you post a video from your Church in which you talk about hope for overcoming depression and tag it appropriately (i.e. use the words “hope” and “depression” when you upload the video), you are more likely to get discovered in the search results.

The Church has been commission by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 to go and make disciples of all nations. We are to teach the world everything Christ has commanded us. While the principles may remain the same, the strategy and process can be different. In this digital and technological world we live in it is only appropriate to use digital tools to reach people for Christ. And because YouTube has tremendous reach, it is a great tool to use for Churches today.

While you may be reading this agreeing that YouTube is an area you may want to get involved with, you may also be wondering how you can do it. What can you post on YouTube that will reach people? Here are some ideas you can post:

  • Whole Services. Record and then post your services up so people can watch them throughout the week. You can then share them on you social media postings throughout the week.
  • Sermons. While whole services are great for people to experience, people may not have all the time to do that. That is why simply posting your sermons can be just as impactful.
  • Worship song. This is where you simply post a worship song that your Church performs on Sunday morning. It’s a great way to encourage and inspire people at your Church or throughout the world.
  • “How to” videos. People search “how to” do a lot of things on Google and YouTube. Why not create some videos on “How to read the Bible” or “how to pray” or even “how to invite a friend to Church”. Creating these types of videos will encourage people in your Church and those looking learn more about Christ.
  • Funny Videos you make. Church doesn’t have to be all serious all the time. Create fun videos you can share with people.

Video content reaches many different generations. While millennials have been the focus of a lot of attention from the Church over the more recent years, videos posted on YouTube can reach many different generations, in particular Generation Z. Think creatively on what kind of content you can be sharing on YouTube so that you can reach people for Christ. The more you can post and engage with others on it, the more likely people who don’t normally go to Church can hear the good news of Christ and be transformed. Digital tools like YouTube can be extremely powerful and with the amazing message of hope and life change that Christ offers, there are endless possibilities for you and your Church. What will you create today?

What do you think? Are you using YouTube for your Church or Ministry? If so, how are you using it? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.

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Digital Missionary


Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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