The Power of Music in Videos

When I grew up MTV was more known for their music videos than anything else. All teens watched MTV to see their favorite bands release their latest and greatest music video. While teens still watch music videos, they no longer need MTV to watch their favorite videos. These days artists usually release their videos on their own YouTube or Vevo channel.

While the way we watch music videos may differ from generation to generation, music videos still impact us all. In fact, in this short video I share about how two specific music videos impacted my life.



When I saw videos like Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer” or Michael W. Smith’s “Secret Ambition” videos they impacted my life for different reasons. Bon Jovi’s video because of the creativeness and “cool” factor. Michael W. Smith’s video brought Christ’s death to life. I really enjoyed both of these songs before I saw the videos for them, but the videos took my appreciation and love for them to a different level.

There is power when you add music to videos. Whether it is a worship song or a secular one, people can relate to both what they are seeing and hearing at the same time. You are not just communicating with words but you are impacting people visually – using two different forms of communication together in one piece of content.

So where is the ministry implication here? Content creation is so important and it takes many different forms. Videos with music added to them can be a really impactful way inspire, encourage and motivate people. While going around making music videos for every piece of content you have may be a dream for some, it is also hard for most of us to do. However, what we can do is look for opportunities to add music to videos and pieces of content we create. Maybe it is adding background music to a photo slideshow video that shares about what is happening in your ministry. Maybe it can be music intermixed with testimonies of people sharing their faith. Adding music to videos can look differently depending on what type of content you are creating.

My daughter is a dancer. Her dance team work together and perform beautifully. But music is always a vital part of their dance routine. They did a dance called “Piece by Piece” from the song Kelly Clarkson wrote and sang.


Separately, the words are powerful and the dance is beautiful. But when you add the two together, you create an amazing and touching performance with a powerful message, a message of love and hope from God.

As mentioned above, content creation can take a variety of different forms. Adding music to videos is a great piece of content that is not used as often as just text or images. The more you can think creatively and add music to videos, the greater the chance that you can impact someone else not normally moved by simply words or visuals alone. We do not have to put music into every piece of content, but the more we can be thinking of how to use music with videos and pictures, the greater the chances are that we can impact even more people with the message of hope through Christ.

What do you think? How has a music video or a music soundtrack to a video impacted you or someone you know before?  Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.

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Digital Missionary

Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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