Get Jazzed for the Orange Tour Re-Imagined

The coronavirus has impacted so many people and groups. While the virus continues to impact us all in some way or another, the good people at reThink and Orange are not taking this lying down. They completely transformed the Orange Conference into an amazing Digital Experience in less than 2 months! It was amazing and if you missed it, here are notable notes and quotes from the conference.

And now they are transforming the Orange Tour. It is the Orange Tour Re-Imagined!

This fall the Orange Tour will be offered in two very unique experiences.

  • Orange Tour Digital: A day of online training for your staff and volunteers.
  • Orange Tour Live: An in-person gathering for key leaders in your family ministry team.

What are these exactly? Here is a breakdown.

The Orange Tour Digital is where leaders will discover practical strategies for connecting with kids at every phase. Ministry experts will give you practical tools to help you re-imagine how we disciple a generation to have and give hope. It’s a one-day, online experience filled with inspiration and training for every leader and volunteer in your family ministry—from staff to small group leaders to large group communicators to diaper wipers to tech teams and beyond!

Orange Tour Re-ImaginedYou can watch this 4 different times:

  • Saturday, October 17, 2020
  • Tuesday, October 20, 2020
  • Thursday, October 22, 2020
  • Saturday, October 24, 2020

Interested? Register here!

At the Orange Tour Limited is an in person gathering similar to the regular Orange Tour. You will get

  • Time to network with like-minded leaders to see how concepts are applied to different contexts.
  • Guided experiences to re-imagine how you connect the message of hope to kids at every phase.
  • Practical insights to help your team navigate the mental health crisis of a generation.
  • Experienced ministry leaders who’ve committed to passing on their wisdom and learnings to a new generation of leaders.
  • Fun and connection with your family ministry team.

There are 22 locations but spots are limited. You can only bring a max of 4 leaders from your team and total capacity is 200 people.

Interested? Register here!

Just like every thing they do, Orange does an amazing job with these Tours. Whichever one you choose to do, you and your team will surely benefit!

So, what do you think of the Orange Tour Re-Imagined? Which one will you be doing this fall? Share your thoughts and comments below. 

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Digital Missionary

Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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