Finding your Rocky moment

In the movie Rocky II, Adrian (Rocky’s wife) doesn’t want him to fight Apollo Creed again.  In the midst of an argument with Rocky about this, Adrian goes into labor.  Although she delivers a healthy baby she slips into a coma.  During that time, Rocky is completely unmotivated to fight Creed as he is very distraught and naturally so.

However, Adrian eventually comes out of the coma and one of the 1st things Adrian says to Rocky is that there is 1 thing she wants him to do for her. That is to win…win!  That completely motivates Rocky as you can see in the clip below.


The reality is that in life and in ministry we can become completely unfocused and distracted to the point of where we think, “what’s the point”.  Whether it is a personal issue (like Rocky’s) or a ministry issue (like backlash from parents or staff over an event or unsatisfied students or basically any other negative issue that arises in ministry), the reality is that we have to dig down deep during these times and discover what motivates us.  Specifically we have to really think through why we are in ministry in the 1st place? Or, personally thinking, what do we do in your personal life that brings you joy and satisfication?

Even though these times may be frustrating, the great news is that this can be a HUGE learning experience for you!  Sure, going through a difficult time is not exactly what you want to be doing ever. Believe me I’ve had my share of both ministry and personal situations in my life that just make me cringe when I look back at them.  But, God used those situations in my life and He can use these situations in your life as well.  In most any difficult season we go through in life or ministry, there is truth to be found.  That is why you have to go before God and humbly ask the question, “God, what are you trying to teach me here?”

I have found that when you humbly go before God and ask Him to reveal the Truth, you can learn some great lessons. But also, by turning to Him you are remembering and realizing again what motivates you in life and in ministry.  That God so loved you that He sent Christ to die for you (John 3:16).  That He would go looking for you, that 1 lost sheep even though he had 99 already in the hill (Matthew 18:12-14).  That Christ saved you and impacted your life for eternity so that motivates you to impact others for Him.  That is what motivates me.  Seeing how Christ impacted my life, I get pumped hoping that God would continue to use me to lead others to HIm.

So again what motivates you to stay in the game?  What motivates you to keep going on in ministry when you go through a bad season?  What motivates you to stay following Christ even thought life seems too tough?  We need to be reminded of those things so we stay in the game long term.  TAKE A MINUTE and process that and share a story about what motivates you and why so that we can all be inspired.

Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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