Team Dynamics
Even though I am acting “Youth Guy” at New Life, my job is still to oversee the Family Ministry Department. That includes youth, children and even some nZone aspects. So as the Department Head, I’m really into building good team dynamics to help us function together as a unit, rather than individual ministries.
A book that I just started reading is “Sticky Teams” by Larry Osborne.
In it, talking about Team Dynamics, he says, “A little small talk goes a long way when it comes to breaking down walls…It soothes feathers and calms the waters when disagreements and difficult issues have to be tackled. It paves the way for better business decisions because as we’ve already seen, whereas strangers fight and arguer, friends discuss and debate”.
He talked about how they’ve gone on retreats (day and overnight), eat together before a meeting, schedule social events or even schedule a refreshment break during a meeting.
The last thing he said that really stuck out to me is “Whenever a group of people increase the amount of time they spend together, there is a corresponding increase in their regard and appreciation for one another” – he quoted that from “The Human Group” by C.G. Holmans.
These are fascinating insights on team dynamics that I am really trying to learn and engrain in my team. I have found all of these to be true at some point or another in my ministry. Now I have to get to the point of implementing these into my team development strategy.
What do you think? TAKE A MINUTE right now and post how have you seen these thoughts that Larry has pointed out lived out in your ministry?