Test THIS Before Every Youth Meeting
There are lots of things you need to do before every youth ministry meeting. Some of it happens days ahead of time and some happens just moments before. While there are lot things you can be doing, there is one thing you need to before every meeting. You need to test the tech well in advance of the meeting! Obviously this sounds like a no brainer but testing the tech is really important. Testing it well in advance helps you in 2 specific areas:
Allows you to troubleshoot in case something goes wrong. With any piece of tech you use for a youth gathering you will always test it out the week leading up to the event to make sure it works fine. Despite all the testing you do leading up to the event, inevitably there is always a chance of something being messed up the night of the event. Cords could be misplaced and computers reboot are just a few of the many different things that could be misplaced or go wrong. That is why you test well before students start showing up and the meeting gets started.
- Allows you to hang out with students and greet parents. When you fail to set up in plenty of time you are busy troubleshooting and setting up when you should be hanging out with students or greeting parents. The time spent before a gathering starts is really important time to connect with others. Don’t miss the great connection time before an event because you are too buys with tech stuff.
Youth gatherings are not the most important thing in your ministry (relationships are). However, they are really important and you need to do them with excellence. That is why it is so important to test out all your tech equipment well in advance of the meeting actually starting. Not only does it allow you time to trouble shoot potential issues, but it frees you up to spend time with others before the meeting gets started. Give yourself plenty of time to get set up so that you have plenty of time to invest in other, more important things…like people.
What do you think? Have you experienced this before? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick as you share.
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