Christmas Week Reminders
The week leading up to Christmas is always a busy and stressful time for ministers. Whether you are a student minister, worship minster, lead Pastor or someone else on staff at a Church, it is a busy week as you get read for all the Christmas services you have planned. Now, add on to that all there personal stress you have, as well. Stress to spend time with friends and family, get last minute gifts you have been procrastinating on and making sure something doesn’t fall through the cracks. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of JOY and celebration that goes along with Christmas week, but there also tends to be a lot of stress, too.
While you sort through all the craziness and joy that comes with the week of Christmas, here are some reminders for you so you don’t lose your mind this Christmas week:
- The end is in sight. You’ve been working hard all year and all month, you have just a few more days make it through and you get a little rest.
- Spend daily time with Jesus. He is the reason for the season so if you spend all your time making it special for others and don’t have that daily time with Jesus, you are missing what God can do in you this season.
Make memories with your family. Christmas time is special, especially if you have young children. Part of the reason why I love Christmas so much is because the time my family invested in making memories as a child. They don’t have to be elaborate to be special. Don’t work so hard for your ministry that you miss wonderful memory makers for your family.
- It’s ok to say no. Seriously, it is ok to say “no” to last minute changes and added work. When you say “yes” to something you are saying “no” to something else. Just because people want to change things last minute doesn’t mean you have to change your schedule and priorities around for them.
- Have fun. It’s Christmas! There is so much hope and joy that comes with the birth of Christ. While you may be stressed, make sure you take time to have fun for yourself. The more relaxed and fun you can be having, the more those around you (your fellow Staffers, volunteers and those you are ministering to) will be having fun as well.
Christmas week is always busy and chaotic, even if you weren’t in ministry. Christmas services and extra activities make for a stressful time for all ministers, no matter what position you serve in. These are simple reminders to keep focused on your end goal but also make sure you are taking care of yourself. The more you can be reminded of easy ways to take care of yourself, personally and in ministry, the longer you’ll be able to minister more effectively, not only to those in your ministry but to your family as well.
What do you think? What Christmas week reminders do you adhere to? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share.
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