POLL: What makes up a successful event?

Yesterday we had another fellowship dinner for our college and young adults.  As I have been trying to build relationships and a program for this demographic at our church this summer, I have learned many lessons as I know that it will take time for this to get started and fully developed the way I feel like the Lord wants it.

Our dinner consisted of a meal together, a game a catch-phrase and some teaching and discussion.  I tried to create a good environment with some nice comfortable chairs placed around the dinner tables for people to lounge around in before and after the meal.  I also had music playing in the background.

As Mark, my supervisor and Associate Pastor, and I processed the night, it made me think about what I considered to be a successful ministry event.  What has to happen for it to be pleasing and acceptable for my standards?  Overall, I viewed the night as a success.  Even though there were not as many college and young adults as I would have liked (my goal was 20 and we got 12), I was pleased.  The reason why I was please was because people had fun together, we had 2 new young adults come out and they connected with others pretty seamlessly and Christ was proclaimed.

What about you?  What makes up a successful event for you?  Take the poll and post a comment.

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Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

One thought on “POLL: What makes up a successful event?

  • July 7, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    Success is directly tied to purpose. If you set out to have an event to reach lost and unchurched people, and you have nothing more than the committed core, then you missed the purpose and ultimately, no matter how well attended or how smooth the program, was unsuccessful.

    For a fellowship dinner, solid connections and new faces are always a good thing, and gives you great opportunities to build for future events!!!


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