Fantasy Football and Ministry

When I became the Youth Pastor at Cedar Run Community Church in 2003, one of the things I did in the fall was to create a Fantasy Football League.  I used it as a way to connect with some of my sports loving guys and to get leaders involved with some of them.  It was and has continued to be a great connection and community builder for those people involved.  In fact, because of the success of this one league and the excitement it created amongst the whole group, we have gotten more students involved by creating multiple leagues that have covered multiple sports (including NASCAR).

fantasy football The main league that I started years ago continues to run strong and is a huge community builder for those guys and I.  Of the 12 members (owners) we currently have, 5 were original owners and 4 others have been engaged with the league since 2004.  Every now and then we have to switch a person out or so, but the main guys have continued to be involve and those friendships have deepened over the years.

I believe that this fantasy football league is a great model of how you can have lasting ministry with people. Of the league members/owners, only 1 remains in high school now, but all except the 2 other leaders have started out in high school when we started the league. It has been great to see how those relationships have changed and developed over time, how they have gone from high school, to college, to now in the working world. Yet, our friendships have remained and our encouragement in Christ has continued.  The 2 other leaders and I didn’t just “hang” with these students while they were in high school and then drop them once they graduated.  No, we continued to walk side-by-side with them and as they have gone through some highs and lows of their lives.  We have all been there together to help them process and deal with life in a Christ-like way.

So what if you are reading this, thinking, this sounds like a great idea but you hate fantasy football?   There are so many other ways that you can bond students or young adults together under a central cause or activity that can carry over for years to come.  You just have to figure out what that is for the group you are ministering to. My guys were obviously into football, so fantasy football made sense. But you could try a Running club, a Knitting group, Hiking/Outdoor adventure group or even a Saturday morning breakfast club.  It doesn’t matter what it is as long as you bond together in fellowship and the Lord.  Those are the most important aspects.

So right now, TAKE A MINUTE and…

  1. Think through something that will bond some or most of your students together.  DO NOT think of a program or event.  This is a simple thing that happens outside of a formal “church” gathering.  Find out what works best for you and the students or young adults you are ministering to.
  2. Get going and organize at least an informational time to discuss your idea.  This could be as easy as a lunch after church or a Facebook email.  But get going on it as the fall is the perfect opportunity to do one.  PLUS, if you are doing a fantasy league, you do need to draft before the start of the 1st football game (Sept. 9th).

So what do you think? How have you seen fantasy football or other non-programmatic community builders impact your ministry for the better? Share so that we can all benefit.

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Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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