Serenity Now!

I’m writing this right now mad.  I’m angry.  I’m hurt. I’m frustrated.  I’m completely put off, completely confused on what is happening.  It makes me want to yell, “Serenity Now!”

Have you ever felt this way either professionally or personally?

When I do, I sit. I process.  I drink Starbucks and I cry out to God.  I don’t cry out “why me” (at least not anymore).  Rather, I cry out and say, “What the heck God.  How am I going to make it through this one?  What are you trying to teach me here?”

Two perfect examples I usually  turn to when I am frustrated are King David and Joseph (the Genesis Joseph, not the father of Jesus Joseph).  David, before he was King had Saul trying to kill him.  Then, while he was King, had his own son try to kill him.  He was on the run countless times and it seemed like his life was complete disaster at times, despite his Kingship.

Joseph was a guy who was sold into slavery from his own brothers, then sent to jail because he wouldn’t sleep with Potiphar’s wife and forgotten in jail for years even though 1 person promised to remember him and help get him out of jail.

If any people had a gripe against God, it’s these two.  But they didn’t.  They remained faithful and poised to follow God all the more.  And it paid off as David was known as one of the greatest Kings around and Joseph became ended up becoming 2nd in charge of Egypt in one of the most difficult times in that country.  God was with them and protected them.

So here is the point.  You may be frustrated.  You may be tired.  You may be wondering what in the world God is doing.  But here’s reality.  We don’t even have the slightest clue what God is up to and we may never know!  All we can do is to continue to seek Him, cry out to Him, trust Him and follow Him consistently throughout all our days.   We have to trust that He will bring us through whatever it is He is doing.

I believe all situations are learning situations and should bring us closer to God, not further away.  In fact, I am just getting through an over 3 year ordeal that made me think all the above things I just wrote to start this post.  But, as I’m on the way out of that situation I can honestly say that God has made me stronger, braver and much more equipped to share about Him than ever before.  And I know that without the past 3 years, I would never have been prepared for what God has for me ahead.

Who we are today is not even close to who God desires us to be.  So instead of getting frustrated, get even by seeking God, crying out to Him, trusting Him and following Him more and more each day.

So what about you?  What do you think about this?  TAKE A MINUTE right now and post your comments, thoughts or experiences.

Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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