Stepping up your Social Media Game with Word Swag
The other day I was listening to the Social Media Marketing Podcast and I heard a brief shout out to an app a Social Media Guru was using. I really wish I could remember her name, but what attracted me most to the app was how easy she said it was and how she could use it no matter where she was to make great visual content.
The app is Word Swag. Described as a Cool fonts, typography generator, creative quotes, and text over pic editor, Word Swag has made a huge difference for me. And here is why I LOVE it!

For starters, it’s simple. Let’s just be honest, I’m not creative at all. I really stink at it. It’s so bad that I will still use old clip art in fliers. I’m not kidding. I’m ancient, maybe the worst Student Ministry Leader alive. But, with Word Swag I’m making some cool looking pics to draw attention to scripture or relay information.
All you have to do is, select a background (you can even put photos or your own backgrounds in), pick the type of font you want (there are so many cool fonts), size it up and move it around with your finger tips and you are good to go!
So, whether you are killing time waiting for a meeting or killing time during a boring meeting, you can put together great graphic designs in a matter of minutes. It is that easy.

The second reason why I love Word Swag is because it is great visual content. Social media is all visual right now. That’s the trend. So, whether it is memes, videos or pictures, people want to see what you are talking about more than read about it. That is why when you use Word Swag to produce great visual content you are more likely to draw attention to whatever you are promoting or discussing.
All the images in the blog (even the “featured blog picture” was done through Word Swag. They grab your attention much more than if I would just to write out a Bible verse or promote the next Online Worship Service. It really isn’t rocket science and the more you do it the better you become at it.
Word Swag is simple and it produces great visual content. But Word Swag is also a game-changer in ministry. Social Media is a huge way to communicate with students these days. When you are posting some great visual content to communicate your activity or encouragement, it draws their attention a whole lot quicker than using just plain text. Instagram, one of the most popular social media outlets for tweens and teens, is only pictures and videos. By using Word Swag you produce great content that quickly draws their attention.
I know it sounds shallow but the better images you are producing the more likely they are to be drawn to it. If you produce a “clip art” type graphic, it looks lame so it may indirectly communicate that what you are trying to talk about or promote is lame. However, if it looks cool and trendy, they will be drawn to it and your chances of them clicking on what you are trying to “sell” is higher.
Word Swag has made a huge difference in my social media presence. If you have it already on your phone, great. But if you don’t, take a few minutes and check it out and purchase it. I know that it costs $3.99 but believe me this is well worth the investment. And, sorry Android folks, it’s Apple only right now (yet another reason why everyone should have an iPhone…just saying).
What do you think? Have you tried Word Swag? Is there another pic editor you use? Share them below so we can all learn about it and not be such a fuddy-duddy Student Ministry Leader.
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