4 Online Opportunities for Student Ministries this Fall

Just when everyone thought we were done with online and that we were 100% in person this Fall, Covid said not so fast. And because Covid is still out there lurking and making a mess of things, having an online option for students is a wise decision. In fact, moving forward, creating online opportunities for students throughout the year would really enhance your ministry and make it multi-modal as Jeff Reed would call it. Not just this year but moving forward there should be something online that you can do with students. After all, whether it is online games, online discipleship or using online tools to reach students in other ways, we have learned that online ministry is effective.

So, as we look into the Fall, what are some online opportunities your Student Ministry can do? Here are 4 suggestions:

Game Night. Let’s be honest, teens got Zoomed out really quickly. Especially high schoolers. But now, as things are moving back in person more and more and Zoom becoming less of an emphasis, doing a Zoom, Instagram or YouTube type Game Night would be something fun for students to do this Fall. To spice it up a bit you can give away prizes and have other fun elements incorporated into it. But, keep it to an hour. The online opportunitieslonger the game night goes, the less interested students become.

Devotionals. You can do these a variety of ways. You could post a carousel on Instagram leading students through a devotional. Or, you could do a live or pre-recorded video encouraging students in their faith. The video devotionals are great for TikTok, Instagram and YouTube (all platforms students love).

YouTube Youth Group Gatherings. These can be either live or pre-recorded. If you do it pre-recorded, make sure you use the “Premier” button when you schedule it so it is like a “live” event. That way you can utilize the Chat Room which is alway a great way to connect with students. With the SEO results so strong with YouTube there is always a likelihood that students in your area could learn about it

TikTok. TikTok is so popular, not just with students but with parents as well. There are lots of things you can do on TikTok whether it is doing a trend, sharing a devotional, or something else entirely. TikTok allows you to be creative and reach students in a different way, on a platform they love.


There are a variety of online opportunities that are still available and should be followed up with students and parents. Doing Zoom all the time will likely not work as well as diversifying your offerings. And these online opportunities are not designed to replace your in person gatherings. They are simply tools and options you have on your student ministry tool belt that will help you reach more students and their families for Christ. And that, as a Student Minister, is what we are all seeking after.

What do you think? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. 

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Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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