
IMG_1048Want to get in touch with Tom Pounder and YM Sidekick?  Here are a few different ways to do that:

  • Want to guest post? Email Tom Pounder
  • Join the Sidekick Scoop and get regular emails
  • Want to talk about something ministry related? Pick a time, any time…well, almost any time.

Hopefully some of those will work…if not, sorry.  Try connecting with Tom on Social Media…top right hand corner of this page.

7 thoughts on “Contact

  • Pingback: The Monday Morning Debrief: You ARE Brad Pitt | Ministry Blackboard

  • August 1, 2018 at 11:43 am

    Hello, I’m trying to download your app from to play games with my youth ministry, but I’m having trouble installing the file. Can someone help?


    • August 13, 2018 at 6:28 am

      I believe you are looking for the Download YM app? You should contact them if you are still having problems. I’m sure they are happy to help.

  • February 25, 2020 at 12:41 pm

    I have tried several times to download the Easter curriculum and am not having any luck!

  • October 31, 2021 at 3:12 pm


    I’ve been a reader of your blog for around 4 months and I would like first of all to say that I really enjoy it.

    I’ve got recently some problems with my eyes which effects my reading ability.

    Thereby I have a favor to ask. Is it possible for you to add an audio podcast version of your articles?

    It would be very useful for people like me and others who like to listen to your content.

    I’ve researched on that a bit and I found few free services that can help to do that.

    Here are the websites that I found that can add podcast to your site for free, maybe there are more but I found these two.

    Thank you!

    Patri Hope


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