The Monday Morning Debrief: After Christmas Special

It never fails, after Christmas there seems to be just as many specials and deals as there were before Christmas. Why? Because stores are so willing to get the extra inventory off their selves by the end of the year.

My wife and I got a new HD TV from her parents this Christmas so we have to get a Blu-Ray DVD player. Do you think I’m going to have a hard time finding a cheap one? Nope. Based on the Sunday ads, I already have 2-3 options that I’m going to look at and will get one of them this week with all the gift cards I got for Christmas.

So how does this apply to a Monday Morning Debrief?

This week, as it is normally a chill, lax week in the office, TAKE A MINUTE (or a few days) and take an inventory of your office. What books do you need to retire or give away? What old “skit” clothes do you not use anymore and probably need to get ride of? What other office reorganization needs to happen so you can be more effective in the upcoming year? Clean off your desk, rearrange your filing cabinet, clean out your answering machine (and return any unanswered calls) and make sure you have plenty of paper in your printer.

Now I know I’m getting carried away with suggestions, but you get the point.  Take some time everyday this week and get reorganized for the upcoming year so that you can be more effective in ministry.

Tom Pounder

A father of 4, Tom is the Student Minister and Online Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Chantilly, VA. He blogs, vlogs, and podcasts regularly about student and online ministry stuff.

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